The Awakening Collection Event has arrived in Apex Legends, and with it marks the return of Control. The capture-point game mode pits two teams of nine against each other to capture three central points on iconic locations. With Control comes a new game mechanic: the Ratings System. Here’s an in-depth guide to what to know about Apex Legends Control Ratings and why they’re important to keep in mind.
Related: [Apex Legends Awakening Collection Event Announced]
The in-game scoreboard directly showcases the total control ratings of each player in the match. Not only does it showcase performance in the lobby, but it also directly gives rewards each life on performance. The default weapon loadouts each come with blue Level 2 attachments, but can be upgraded through actions taken in the match. All weapons are affected by the ratings system, regardless if initially chosen from the default loadouts. Picking up preferred guns from fallen allies and enemies will still upgrade them with each ratings level. It’s completely viable to find a loadout just from guns on the ground at control points, or swap during a heated firefight.
Killing other players and controlling the three zones on the map will earn points, broken down by different categories such as attacking and defending. Assisting teammates does not just extend to the assigned trio at the beginning of the match, but to the entire team of nine. Scan Legends like Bloodhound, Seer and Crypto will get full assist points whenever teammates eliminate enemies with scan outlines. Likewise, Legends that can deal damage like Wattson’s Fences and Caustic Gas damage will give kill assists, allowing for most legends to directly benefit from the ratings system. If a specific loadout selection is especially useful to a player, thinking about team-oriented support legends can lead to easy point gains, and better attachments each life.
Hop-Ups are introduced to certain compatible guns, boosting their efficiency or giving entirely new functions. Earning control ratings points will automatically upgrade the current loadout, giving the Hop-Ups immediately upon levelling up. Here is the list of all Hop-Ups included in the Control Loadouts:
Ratings Level 4 gives the Peacekeeper the Kinetic Feeder Attachment. (Photo Credit: Justin-Ivan Labilles)
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